SK: - Pre najlepšie zobrazenie otvárajte projekt v aplikácií QGIS freeware možný stiahnúť tu - Otvorte projekt nasledovným spôsobom: 1. Project - Open from - GeoPackage 2. V Connection rozkliknete "..." a nájdete "Trnava_Stvrt_Quarter_resave_365.gpkg" na svojom disku 3. Projekt "__Trnava_Stvrt__Quarter" ! Uistite sa, že je správne nastavené CRS: EPSG:5514 ! (v pravom dolnom rohu) - Project - CRS - S-JTSK / Krovak East North EPSG:5514 - Súčasťou GeoPackege je samotný projekt s nastavenou symbológiou a skupinamy vrstiev aj vrstvy samotné. EN: - For the best compatibility, open the project in QGIS freeware can be downloaded on - Open the project: 1. Project - Open from - GeoPackage 2. Click "..." in Connection and find "Trnava_Stvrt_Quarter_resave_365.gpkg" on your drive 3. Project "__Trnava_Stvrt__Quarter)" ! Make sure CRS is set correctly: : EPSG:5514 ! (in the lower right corner) - Project - CRS - S-JTSK / Krovak East North EPSG:5514 - The GeoPackage includes the project itself with set symbology and groups of layers as well as the layers themselves.