Status: Ongoing

Server time: 14.03.2025 17:20

Tender card #15393/2022
Denný stacionár v meste Zlate Moravce_II


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Denný stacionár v meste Zlate Moravce_II
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
23212 - WYP
Type of tender
Podlimitná zákazka
Type of public tender
Podlimitná zákazka
Type of procurement
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract
Estimated value
1 138 670,50 EUR
Main CPV
45215200-9 - Construction work for social services buildings
Further CPV
45112000-5 - Excavating and earthmoving work
45262500-6 - Masonry and bricklaying work
45410000-4 - Plastering work
45443000-4 - Facade work
45321000-3 - Thermal insulation work
45261410-1 - Roof insulation work
45261200-6 - Roof-covering and roof-painting work
45261000-4 - Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings
44221000-5 - Windows, doors and related items
45421100-5 - Installation of doors and windows and related components
44112200-0 - Floor coverings
45310000-3 - Electrical installation work
31216200-5 - Lightning conductors
44411000-4 - Sanitary ware
39715210-2 - Central-heating equipment
45331100-7 - Central-heating installation work
45330000-9 - Plumbing and sanitary works
45333000-0 - Gas-fitting installation work
Tender split into parts
Electronic auction
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákazky je rekonštrukcia a modernizácia denného stacionára v meste Zlaté Moravce v rozsahu výkazu výmer a projektovej dokumentácie. Rekonštrukčné práce podľa rozpočtu zahŕňajú najmä: búracie práce, architektúra, elektroinštalácia, zdravotechnika, vykurovanie, prípojka kanalizácie, prípojka plyn.

Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
For evaluation the price is determined

including VAT

Environmental Tender



Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
08.08.2022 10:00:00 (Online access to bids)
Planned opening of bids
08.08.2022 10:30:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Mesto Zlaté Moravce
1. mája 2
Zlaté Moravce
953 01, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Ing. Annamária Lukáčová
+420 904090344
Link to online profile of contracting authority
