Status: Ongoing

Server time: 14.03.2025 17:18

Tender card #18173/2022
Zlepšenie bývania v meste Zlaté Moravce


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Zlepšenie bývania v meste Zlaté Moravce
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
27669 - WYP
Type of tender
Podlimitná zákazka
Type of public tender
Podlimitná zákazka
Type of procurement
Estimated value
1 907 614,48 EUR
Main CPV
45211340-4 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Tender split into parts
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákazky je rekonštrukcia dvoch bytových domov na ulici Ul. 1. mája, Zlaté Moravce. Predmet zákazky je rozdelený na 2 časti:

1. časť predmetu zákazky: Bytový dom - par. č. 2503 - súpisné číslo 976
2. časť predmetu zákazky: Bytový dom - parc. č. 2533/1 - súpisné číslo 1311

For evaluation the price is determined

not including VAT

Environmental Tender


Socially Responsible Tender



Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
08.07.2022 10:00:00 (Online access to bids)
Planned opening of bids
08.07.2022 10:30:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Mesto Zlaté Moravce
1. mája 2
Zlaté Moravce
953 01, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Ing. Annamária Lukáčová
+420 904090344
Link to online profile of contracting authority


1. časť predmetu zákazky: Bytový dom - par. č. 2503 - súpisné číslo 976

Predicted value not including VAT
797 479,85 EUR
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
45211340-4 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Further CPV
45112000-5 - Excavating and earthmoving work
45111300-1 - Dismantling works
45262500-6 - Masonry and bricklaying work
45410000-4 - Plastering work
45443000-4 - Facade work
45321000-3 - Thermal insulation work
45261410-1 - Roof insulation work
45261200-6 - Roof-covering and roof-painting work
45261000-4 - Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings
44221000-5 - Windows, doors and related items
45421100-5 - Installation of doors and windows and related components
45310000-3 - Electrical installation work
31216200-5 - Lightning conductors
39715210-2 - Central-heating equipment
45331100-7 - Central-heating installation work
45330000-9 - Plumbing and sanitary works
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement

2. časť predmetu zákazky: Bytový dom - parc. č. 2533/1 - súpisné číslo 1311

Predicted value not including VAT
1 110 134,63 EUR
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
45211340-4 - Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
Further CPV
45112000-5 - Excavating and earthmoving work
45111300-1 - Dismantling works
45262500-6 - Masonry and bricklaying work
45410000-4 - Plastering work
45443000-4 - Facade work
45321000-3 - Thermal insulation work
45261410-1 - Roof insulation work
45261200-6 - Roof-covering and roof-painting work
45261000-4 - Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings
44221000-5 - Windows, doors and related items
45421100-5 - Installation of doors and windows and related components
45310000-3 - Electrical installation work
31216200-5 - Lightning conductors
39715210-2 - Central-heating equipment
45331100-7 - Central-heating installation work
45330000-9 - Plumbing and sanitary works
Outcome of tender
Framework Agreement