Status: Ongoing

Server time: 24.02.2025 08:25

Tender card #ZG.270.01.2023
Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Kup w roku 2023 i I kwartale 2024-2 przetarg


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Kup w roku 2023 i I kwartale 2024-2 przetarg
Tender ref. no.
EU journal ref. no.
2023/S 028-081072
Type of tender
Próg unijny zamówień
Type of public tender
Przetarg nieograniczony
Type of procurement
Estimated value
12 966 624,88 PLN
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Tender split into parts
PL - Rzeczpospolita Polska
Brief description of tender or procurement


For evaluation the price is determined

including VAT


Szacunkowa wartość zamówienia zawiera wartość z uwzględnieniem opcji w wysokości 20%, oraz zamówień o których mowa w art. 214 ust. 1 pkt 7 PZP o wartości 50 % wartości zamówienia podstawowego.


Termin składania ofert
06.03.2023 10:00:00
Planned opening of bids
06.03.2023 10:30:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
PGL LP Nadleśnictwo Kup
1-Maja 9
46-082, Republic of Poland
Process supervisor
Pan Marcin Vogelgezang
+48 721722488
Link to online profile of contracting authority


Rozdrabnianie pozostałości pozrębowych i specjalistyczne przygotowanie gleby w Nadleśnictwie Kup.

Predicted value not including VAT
1 315 599,35 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Usługi z zakresu gospodarki leśnej, tj.: pozyskania i zrywki drewna, hodowli lasu, ochrony lasu, ochrony p-poż, zagospodarowania turystycznego i innych prac z zakresu gospodarki leśnej w leśnictwach Brynica, Kup Nowy oraz Ładza w Nadleśnictwie Kup

Predicted value not including VAT
3 391 199,95 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
45233142-6 - Road-repair works
45342000-6 - Erection of fencing
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
98351110-2 - Parking enforcement services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Usługi z zakresu gospodarki leśnej, tj.: pozyskania i zrywki drewna, hodowli lasu, ochrony lasu, ochrony p-poż, zagospodarowania turystycznego i innych prac z zakresu gospodarki leśnej w leśnictwach Kup, Kozuby, Winna Góra oraz Czarna Woda w Nadleśnictwie

Predicted value not including VAT
4 008 914,26 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
45233142-6 - Road-repair works
45342000-6 - Erection of fencing
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
98351110-2 - Parking enforcement services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Usługi z zakresu gospodarki leśnej, tj.: pozyskania i zrywki drewna, hodowli lasu, ochrony lasu, ochrony p-poż, zagospodarowania turystycznego i innych prac z zakresu gospodarki leśnej w leśnictwach Masów, Dąbrówka Dolna, Kaniów, Lubienie oraz Chróścice w

Predicted value not including VAT
4 250 911,32 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
45233142-6 - Road-repair works
45342000-6 - Erection of fencing
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
98351110-2 - Parking enforcement services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract