Status: Completed

Server time: 20.09.2024 06:59

Tender card #ZPN.270.5.2019
Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Brynek w roku 2020.


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Brynek w roku 2020.
Tender ref. no.
EU journal ref. no.
2019/S 213-522869
Type of tender
Próg unijny zamówień
Type of public tender
Przetarg nieograniczony
Type of procurement
Estimated value
8 407 797,50 PLN
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Tender split into parts
PL - Rzeczpospolita Polska
Brief description of tender or procurement

SIWZ wraz ze wszystkimi dokumentami zamówienia znajduje się na stronie bip zamawiającego aders

For evaluation the price is determined

including VAT


Podana szacunkowa wartość zamówienia dla poszczególnych części jest wartością netto nie zawiera podatku VAT, zamówień z art.67 ani prawa opcji


Termin składania dokumentów
06.12.2019 09:00:00
Planned opening of bids
06.12.2019 09:15:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
PGL LP Nadleśnictwo Brynek
Grabowa 3
42-690, Republic of Poland
Process supervisor
Wanda Kogut
+48 322857463
Link to online profile of contracting authority


Pakiet 1 – leśnictwa: Krywałd i Nowa Wieś

Predicted value not including VAT
1 398 497,50 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77000000-0 - Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 2 – leśnictwa: Potempa i Śwniowice

Predicted value not including VAT
1 226 979,50 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 3 – leśnictwa: Strzybnica i Księży Las

Predicted value not including VAT
1 480 747,50 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 4 – leśnictwa Bezchlebie i Łabędy

Predicted value not including VAT
1 251 491,35 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 5 – leśnictwo Stolarzowice

Predicted value not including VAT
452 971,15 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 6 – leśnictwo Górniki

Predicted value not including VAT
749 553,70 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 7– leśnictwo Szkółka Brzeźnica, OHZ, gospodarka łąkowo-rolna, dyżury p.poż. przygotowanie gleby

Predicted value not including VAT
1 521 737,80 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract

Pakiet 8 - Pozyskanie i zrywka drewna w Leśnictwie Tworóg

Predicted value not including VAT
325 819,00 PLN
Criterion for evaluation of bid
Best price-quality ratio
Electronic auction
Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract