- ID of tender
- Name of content of tender
- Tender ref. no.
- Public tender journal ref. no.
Vestník č. 4/2025 zo dňa 08.01.2025 pod ozn. 314 - MST
- EU journal ref. no.
Vestník č. 3/2025 zo dňa 06.01.2025 pod ozn. 4723-2025
- Type of tender
Nadlimitná zákazka
- Type of public tender
Verejná súťaž
- Type of procurement
Goods, Services
- Estimated value
299 915,29 EUR
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
33196000-0 - Medical aids
33141230-1 - Dilator
60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Tender split into parts
- Yes
- Centralised tender
SK042 - Košický kraj
- Brief description of tender or procurement
Bližšia špecifikácia predmetu zákazky je uvedená v súťažných podkladoch a prílohách súťažných podkladov.
- For evaluation the price is determined
including VAT
Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
05.02.2025 09:00:00
Planned opening of bids
05.02.2025 11:00:00
Name of document
Uploaded on
link na oznámenie o vyhlásení VO - VVO
Iný dokument k zákazke
08.01.2025 07:50:14
link na oznámenie o vyhlásení VO - VEÚ
Iný dokument k zákazke
06.01.2025 12:01:59
Súťažné podklady - Príloha č. 10
Súťažné podklady
45.11 KB
03.01.2025 10:11:00
Súťažné podklady - Prílohy č. 1 až č. 9
Súťažné podklady
292.25 KB
03.01.2025 10:10:33
Súťažné podklady
Súťažné podklady
1.11 MB
03.01.2025 10:10:04
Odkaz na prípravné trhové konzultácie
Iný dokument k zákazke
03.01.2025 10:09:29
Časť č. 1 - Venózne kanyly predsieňové dvojstupňové nepoťahované
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
42 271,95 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 2 - Venózne kanyly typu "triple stage"
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 525,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 3 - Venózne kanyly typu "single stage" rovné
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
283,30 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 4 - Venózne kanyly tvarovateľné
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
550,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 5 - Venózne pravoúhle kanyly s kovovým hrotom typu "single stage"
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
18 900,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 6 - Venózne pravoúhle kanyly s plastovým hrotom typu "single stage"
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
3 250,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 7 - Femorálne arteriálne kanyly nepoťahované
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
13 250,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 8 - Arteriálne kanyly pre kanyláciu oblúka - rovné
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
700,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 9 - Arteriálne kanyly pre kanyláciu oblúka - zahnuté
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
490,90 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 10 - Arteriálne kanyly pre kanyláciu do graftov
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
8 216,10 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 11 - Kanyly drenážne (venty k drenáži srdcových oddielov)
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
7 402,80 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 12 - Venózne kanylky
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
6 855,60 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 13 - Kanyly preplachové
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
13 431,60 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 14 - Odsávače
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
9 540,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33196000-0 - Medical aids
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 15 - Kardioplegické ihly
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
48 600,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 16 - Kardioplegické kanyly do koronárných artérií s pevnou rukoväťou s ukončením uhla 90º, 45º
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
83 625,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 17 - Kardioplegické kanyly do koronárných artérií v tvare flexibilnej hadičky s ukončením uhla 90º, 45º
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
5 460,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 18 - Kanyly na retrográdnu kardioplégiu
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 320,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 19 - Multiperfúzne sety
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
29 393,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 33141230-1 - Dilator
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement
Časť č. 20 - Femorálne venózne kanyly
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
4 850,04 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
33141220-8 - Cannulae
- Further CPV
- 60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Outcome of tender
- Framework Agreement