Status: Ongoing

Server time: 22.11.2024 02:36

Tender card #62065
Pretrieďovacia linka na jablká/ Sorting line for apples


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Pretrieďovacia linka na jablká/ Sorting line for apples
Tender ref. no.
Type of tender
Prieskum trhu
Type of public tender
Prieskum trhu
Type of procurement
Goods, Services
Outcome of tender
One-off Contract
Estimated value
2 376 925,00 EUR
Tender split into parts
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

SK: Predmetom obstarávanie je dodanie: Pretrieďovacej linky na jablká.
Podrobný opis a požiadavky na technickú špecifikáciu a parametre sú uvedené v Prílohe č. 1 – Súťažných podkladov.

EN: The subject of the contract is the procurement of Sorting line for apples.
The detailed specification of the subject of the contract as well as the quantities are given in Annex No. 1 of these Tender Documents.

Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
For evaluation the price is determined

not including VAT


Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
27.11.2024 10:00:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Ovocinárske družstvo Bonum
Lipnická 3035/162
Dunajská Lužná
90042, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Ing. Peter Turlík
+421 903268008
