- ID of tender
- Name of content of tender
Stavebný dozor na vybraných investičných projektoch
- Tender ref. no.
- Public tender journal ref. no.
29408 - MSS Vestník č. 236/2024 - 29.11.2024
- EU journal ref. no.
- Type of tender
Nadlimitná zákazka
- Type of public tender
Verejná súťaž podľa § 66 (7)
- Type of procurement
- Estimated value
3 744 773,00 EUR
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Tender split into parts
- Yes
- Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
- Brief description of tender or procurement
Predmetom zákazky je poskytnutie služieb stavebného dozoru na vybraných investičných projektoch, ktorých predmetom je rekonštrukcia železničných tratí.
Ide o činnosť stavebného dozoru na stavbách:
1. „ŽST Fiľakovo – Výh. Holiša, rekonštrukcia žel. zvršku a žel. spodku“;
2. „Margecany – Červená Skala, KRŽZ km 87,437 – 92,272, dĺ.4,835km“;
3. „Šelpice – Boleráz, KRŽZ koľ.č.1“;„ŽST Levice, OV + SZZ, DOZZ ŽST Veľké Kozmálovce“,
4. „ŽST Levice, OV + SZZ, DOZZ ŽST Veľké Kozárovce“,
5. „Bratislava Nové Mesto – Bratislava ÚNS, KRŽZ koľ.č.1,2“;
6. „Nižná Myšľa - Ruskov, komplexná rekonštrkcia k.č.2“;
7. „Veľký Horeš – Streda nad Bodrogom, RK koľ. č. 1,2“.
- For evaluation the price is determined
not including VAT
Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
08.01.2025 09:25:00
(Online access to bids)
Planned opening of bids
08.01.2025 09:30:00
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Stavebný dozor na stavbe „ŽST Fiľakovo – Výh. Holiša, rekonštrukcia žel. zvršku a žel. spodku“
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
491 320,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Stavebný dozor na stavbe „Margecany – Červená Skala, KRŽZ km 87,437 – 92,272, dĺ.4,835km“
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
214 201,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Stavebný dozor na stavbe „Šelpice – Boleráz, KRŽZ koľ.č.1“
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
242 207,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Stavebný dozor na stavbe „ŽST Levice, OV + SZZ, DOZZ ŽST Veľké Kozmálovce“
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
648 421,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Stavebný dozor na stavbe „Bratislava Nové Mesto – Bratislava ÚNS, KRŽZ koľ.č.1,2"
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
543 300,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Stavebný dozor na stavbe „Nižná Myšľa – Ruskov, komplexná rekonštrukcia k.č.2“
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
619 686,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Stavebný dozor na stavbe „Veľký Horeš – Streda nad Bodrogom, RK koľ. Č. 1,2“
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
985 638,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
71521000-6 - Construction-site supervision services
- Further CPV
- 71541000-2 - Construction project management services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract