Údržba budov, udržiavacie stavebné práce, služby - DNS
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
EU journal ref. no.
OJ S 248/2024_783918 zo dňa 20.12.2024
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Goods, Construction, Services
Estimated value
45 576 598,15 EUR
Main CPV
79993000-1 - Building and facilities management services
Further CPV
44111400-5 - Paints and wallcoverings
45442110-1 - Painting work of buildings
45442190-5 - Paint-stripping work
45442100-8 - Painting work
45262500-6 - Masonry and bricklaying work
45300000-0 - Building installation work
45310000-3 - Electrical installation work
45410000-4 - Plastering work
45262100-2 - Scaffolding work
90911200-8 - Building-cleaning services
45431000-7 - Tiling work
45261900-3 - Roof repair and maintenance work
98395000-8 - Locksmith services
45421000-4 - Joinery work
45441000-0 - Glazing work
45111300-1 - Dismantling works
45255400-3 - Fabrication work
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement
Predmetom zákazky je údržba budov – príležitostné udržiavacie stavebné práce, opravy, údržba budov a stavebné úpravy v malom rozsahu, podľa konkrétnych potrieb verejného obstarávateľa ako aj ďalšie súvisiace služby pre objekty a zariadenia v pôsobnosti Ministerstva vnútra v rámci celej SR.