Status: Trwająca

Czas serwera: 01.03.2025 00:56

Karta zamówienia #22-0180-OVS
Sale of Gas Generators and Power Turbines SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE and RT 62


ID zamówienia
Nazwa zamówienia
Sale of Gas Generators and Power Turbines SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE and RT 62
Numer zamówienia
Rodzaj procedury
Verejná obchodná súťaž
Tryb zamówienia publicznego
Verejná obchodná súťaž
Rodzaj zamówienia
Zamówienie podzielone jest na części
Centralizowane wprowadzanie
SK - Slovenská republika
Specyfikacja warunków zamówienia

Subject-Matter of the Competition:
The subject-matter of this Competition is the sale of surplus assets that include the following goods:
- 2 pieces of the Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE equipped with long DLE combustors and hydraulic starter;
- 2 pieces of Power Turbine RT 62;
- 2 pieces of LOT Transport Stand LOT26426 for DLE Gas Generator RB 211;
- 2 pieces of MVP Bag LOT28152 for DLE Gas Generator RB 211;
- 1 set of Special tools for GG operation & maintenance;
- 1 set of Special tool for PT operation & maintenance;
(hereinafter jointly referred to as "Goods").
The Goods are in used condition and are offered for sale on “as is” basis.
The detailed specification of the Goods is specified in the Tender Specifications.

Kind Of Contract To Be Signed And Other Commercial Terms: A purchase contract (hereinafter referred to as “Contract“)
Further commercial terms and conditions related to the Subject-Matter of this Competition, including the specification thereof, are specified in the Tender Specifications.

Tender Specifications:
This Competition is being carried out in an electronic way within this web portal JOSEPHINE.
The Tender Specifications are available for free enclosed herein in the file "Tender Specifications - Sale of GG RB211 and PT RT62.pdf".
All information and details on this Competition, including detailed specification of the Goods, requirements for Bid contents, instructions needed for preparation and submission of Bids, conditions of participation in the Competition, criteria for evaluation of Bids, commercial and contractual terms and conditions and other rules, terms and information related to this Competition, are specified in the Tender Specifications and in attachments thereto (hereinafter jointly referred to as "Tender Specifications").

Method Of Bid Submission:
Bids may be submitted into this Competition only by electronic means via the JOSEPHINE system. Details on Bid submitting are specified in the Tender Specifications.
It is required that the Bid, including the price proposal, is firm and prepared in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Tender Specifications.

IMPORTANT!: Only a Bidders registered with the JOSEPHINE system will be allowed to submit their Bids into this Competition. In order to be able to submit a Bid, a Bidder has to register with the JOSEPHINE system (if not already registered) even prior to Bid submission, otherwise the Bidder shall not be allowed to submit any Bid into this Competition. Details on Bidder registration and authentication are specified in the Tender Specifications.
(Note: The registration process may take from at least one business day till couple days depending on how fast the Bidder is able to submit the documents needed for registration. Therefore, it is recommended to Bidders to start the registration process at their first opportunity - as soon as possible, in order to be able to accomplish it successfully and submit the Bid within deadline for Bid submission.)

Conditions Of Participation In The Competition:
Bidders have to submit all documents required for demonstrating their compliance with the participation conditions specified in the Tender Specifications.
The Promoter reserves right to disqualify a Bidder from the Competition, who has committed a breach of its contractual obligation under a preceding contract signed with the Promoter.

Period For Announcing The Accepted Bid:
The Promoter will announce the accepted Bid no later than on September 30, 2024.
The Promoter reserves right to prolong the aforementioned period for announcing the accepted Bid.

Bid Bond:
The Promoter requires no Bid bond.

Method Of Bid Selection:
The Promoter will sign the Contract with the Bidder who will meet all Promoter’s requirements specified in the Tender Specifications and whose Bid will be assessed as the most advantageous upon the prescribed criteria.
The Promoter reserves right to limit the number of Bidders after the Bids were submitted, and invite so selected Bidders to individual negotiations on terms of the Contract.
The Promoter reserves right to negotiate with Bidders on their Bids within several phases with an option to invite Bidders for submitting updated Bids after each phase of negotiation. The Promoter also reserves right to invite the Bidders for updating their Bids by means of an online electronic auction.
In accordance with Article 283 of the Commercial Code, the Promoter reserves right to change the published conditions of this Competition, or to cancel this Competition, even without giving any reason.
The Promoter reserves right to reject all submitted Bids, or to sign the Contract with several Bidders.

Reimbursement Of Costs Related To Bid Preparation:
The Promoter does not reimburse any costs to Bidders, related to their participation in this Competition. The Bidders bear in full their costs related to their participation in this Competition.

For any other details refer to the Tender Specifications.


bez VAT


The following attachments to the Tender Specifications: Attachment 3 – "Last Borescopic Inspection Reports", and Attachment 4 – "Last Overhaul Reports", include information of a confidential nature and thus, both these files are encrypted and the content thereof is protected by a password. This password shall be provided to a Bidder by the Promoter only upon signature of the Non-Disclosure Agreement constituting Attachment 7 to the Tender Specifications by the Bidder. For details on the Non-Disclosure Agreement, signature thereof, and how to deliver it to the Promoter and get the passwords, refer to the Tender Specifications (paragraph 1.7 thereof).


Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
18.07.2024 10:00:00
Planowane otwarcie ofert
18.07.2024 10:15:00


Nazwa zamawiającego
eustream, a.s.
Votrubova 11/A
821 09, Republika Słowacka
Osoba odpowiedzialna
Martin Mikula
+421 262507161


Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE, S/N: 1790-802, equipped with long DLE combustors and hydraulic starter

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE, S/N: 1790-834, equipped with long DLE combustors and hydraulic starter

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

Power Turbine RT 62, S/N: MO 900

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

Power Turbine RT 62, S/N: MO 967

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

LOT Transport Stand LOT26426 for DLE Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

LOT Transport Stand LOT26426 for DLE Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

MVP Bag LOT28152 for DLE Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

MVP Bag LOT28152 for DLE Gas Generator SGT-A35 / Industrial RB 211 24G DLE

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

Special tools for GG operation & maintenance (set)

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna

Special tool for PT operation & maintenance (set)

Wybór kryteriów oceny ofert
Według SWZ
Aukcja elektroniczna
Wynik zamówienia publicznego
Umowa kupna