Status: Ongoing

Server time: 23.02.2025 12:28

DPS card #SVO-RVO3-2024/000614
Elektrospotrebiče, klimatizácia, kuchynská a biela technika_DNS


ID of tender
Name of content of tender
Elektrospotrebiče, klimatizácia, kuchynská a biela technika_DNS
Tender ref. no.
Public tender journal ref. no.
č. 200/2022 pod zn. 40564-MUT zo dňa 13.9. 2022
EU journal ref. no.
2022/S 175-494845 zo dňa 12.09.2022
Type of tender
Type of public tender
Type of procurement
Estimated value
6 390 424,64 EUR
Main CPV
39700000-9 - Domestic appliances
Further CPV
39711100-0 - Refrigerators and freezers
39711110-3 - Refrigerator-freezers
39710000-2 - Electrical domestic appliances
39711123-7 - Upright-type freezers
39711130-9 - Refrigerators
39711210-4 - Food blenders
39711400-3 - Roasters, hobs, hotplates and boiling rings
39713100-4 - Dishwashing machines
39713200-5 - Clothes-washing and drying machines
39721000-2 - Domestic cooking or heating equipment
39713500-8 - Electric irons
39713430-6 - Vacuum cleaners
39713431-3 - Accessories for vacuum cleaners
39717200-3 - Air-conditioning appliances
31521100-5 - Desk lamps
42161000-5 - Hot-water boilers
42512000-8 - Air-conditioning installations
42959000-3 - Non-domestic dishwashing machines
39710000-2 - Electrical domestic appliances
39713510-1 - Steam irons
39721310-8 - Air heaters
39714100-1 - Ventilators
39717000-1 - Fans and air-conditioning appliances
31224810-3 - Extension cables
60000000-8 - Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
Centralised tender
SK - Slovenská republika
Brief description of tender or procurement

Predmetom zákazky je zriadenie dynamického nákupného systému, ktorý bude slúžiť na zadávanie zákaziek na dodávku elektrospotrebičov, klimatizácií, kuchynskej a bielej techniky vrátane príslušenstva. Zároveň pôjde aj o poskytnutie súvisiacich služieb: dodanie tovaru do miesta dodania, vyloženie a vynesenie tovaru v mieste dodania a montáže v mieste dodania.


Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí
11.10.2022 09:00:00
Planned opening of requests
11.10.2022 09:30:00
Lehota na predkladanie žiadostí na zaradenie do DNS
03.11.2026 00:00:00

Public Promoter

Subject's name
Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
Pribinova 2
Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
81272, Slovak republic
Process supervisor
Martina Hlavová
+421 250944590
Link to online profile of contracting authority

