- ID of tender
- Name of content of tender
Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Runowo w roku 2025
- Tender ref. no.
- EU journal ref. no.
- Type of tender
Próg unijny zamówień
- Type of public tender
Przetarg nieograniczony
- Type of procurement
- Estimated value
15 900 597,79 PLN
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
77000000-0 - Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
77600000-6 - Hunting services
- Tender split into parts
- Yes
PL - Rzeczpospolita Polska
- Brief description of tender or procurement
Zgodnie z SWZ
- For evaluation the price is determined
including VAT
- Notes
1. Komunikacja między Zamawiającym, a Wykonawcami odbywa się przy użyciu platformy JOSEPHINE ( oraz poczty elektronicznej, z zastrzeżeniem, że złożenie oferty następuje wyłącznie przy użyciu platformy JOSEPHINE.
2. Podana powyżej szacunkowa wartość zamówienia oraz wartości poszczególnych części zamówienia uwzględniają wartości wynikające z prawa opcji i zamówień z art. 214 ust. 1 pkt 7 PZP.
Termin składania ofert
15.11.2024 10:00:00
Planned opening of bids
15.11.2024 10:15:00
Name of document
Uploaded on
Informacja o wyborze najkorzystniejszej oferty w częściach (Pakietach) 3 i 8
Works concession
150.19 KB
03.01.2025 15:19:25
Informacja o wyborze najkorzystniejszej oferty w częściach (Pakietach) 2, 4 i 6
Works concession
149.37 KB
19.12.2024 15:45:12
Informacja o wyborze najkorzystniejszej oferty w częściach (Pakietach) 1, 5, 7 i 9
Works concession
153.92 KB
13.12.2024 15:07:47
Informacja z otwarcia ofert
Works concession
133.43 KB
15.11.2024 15:05:50
Informacja z zebrania z Wykonawcami
Works concession
129.41 KB
12.11.2024 14:45:20
Informacja o kwocie, jaką Zamawiający zamierza przeznaczyć na sfinansowanie zamówienia
Works concession
130.67 KB
05.11.2024 12:36:14
Informacja o terminie zebrania z Wykonawcami
Works concession
129.06 KB
05.11.2024 12:34:27
Załączniki do SWZ
Works concession
46.6 MB
04.11.2024 10:39:58
Works concession
978.2 KB
04.11.2024 10:39:22
Ogłoszenie o zamówieniu
Works concession
227.12 KB
04.11.2024 10:39:04
Wstępne ogłoszenie informacyjne
Works concession
144.81 KB
04.11.2024 10:32:34
Pakiet 1 – Leśnictwo Chłopigost
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
979 584,79 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 2 – Leśnictwa: Dąbie, Nowy Dwór oraz obsługa Ośrodka Hodowli Zwierzyny
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 753 010,71 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77000000-0 - Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 77600000-6 - Hunting services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 3 – Leśnictwo Runowo Młyn oraz pozyskanie drewna na Szkółce Leśnej Runowo Młyn
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 861 786,25 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 4 – Leśnictwo Witosław
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 475 369,74 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 5 – Szkółka Leśna Runowo Młyn
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 262 656,61 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 6 – Leśnictwo Dąbrowice
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 218 539,23 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 7 – Leśnictwo Drzewianowo
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 917 540,35 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 8 – Leśnictwo Komierowo
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 304 288,92 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 9 – Leśnictwa: Świdwie i Wąwelno
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
3 127 821,19 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
- 77210000-5 - Logging services
- 77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
- 77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
- 77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
- 77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
- 77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
- 77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
- 77211600-8 - Tree seeding
- 77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
- 77231000-8 - Forestry management services
- 77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
- 77231600-4 - Afforestation services
- 75251120-7 - Forest-firefighting services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract