- ID of tender
- Name of content of tender
Stroje do vinice
- Tender ref. no.
- Type of tender
Prieskum trhu
- Type of public tender
Prieskum trhu
- Type of procurement
- Estimated value
56 311,65 EUR
- Tender split into parts
- Yes
SK - Slovenská republika
- Brief description of tender or procurement
Predmetom zákazky je obstaranie strojov do vinice
- For evaluation the price is determined
not including VAT
Lehota na predkladanie ponúk
14.01.2025 12:00:00
Name of document
Uploaded on
Vyzva na predkladanie ponuk.pdf
Iný dokument k zákazke
242.15 KB
20.12.2024 09:33:27
Sutazne podklady.pdf
Iný dokument k zákazke
471.2 KB
20.12.2024 09:33:27
Priloha c. 5_Navrh Zmluvy.docx
Iný dokument k zákazke
38.32 KB
18.12.2024 14:29:55
Priloha c 6 Podmienky vyuzitia subdodav..docx
Iný dokument k zákazke
22.91 KB
18.12.2024 14:29:55
Priloha c. 4_Navrh na plnenie kriteria.docx
Iný dokument k zákazke
29.63 KB
18.12.2024 14:29:55
Priloha c. 3.Cestne vyhlasenie.doc
Iný dokument k zákazke
68 KB
18.12.2024 14:29:55
Priloha c. 2 technicka specifikacia predmetu zakazky.docx
Iný dokument k zákazke
31.8 KB
18.12.2024 14:29:55
Priloha c. 1_Identifikacne udaje uchadzaca.docx
Iný dokument k zákazke
17.9 KB
18.12.2024 14:29:55
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
8 883,33 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Main CPV
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Ťahaný rosič do vinohradov
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
16 566,67 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Main CPV
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Disky do vinice
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
13 300,00 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Main CPV
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Omietač kmienkový tunelový
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
10 733,33 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Main CPV
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
5 278,66 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Main CPV
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pojazdná kosačka
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 549,66 EUR
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Main CPV
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract