- ID of tender
- Name of content of tender
Wykonywanie usług z zakresu gospodarki leśnej na terenie Nadleśnictwa Brodnica w roku 2025
- Tender ref. no.
- Public tender journal ref. no.
- EU journal ref. no.
- Type of tender
Próg unijny zamówień
- Type of public tender
Przetarg nieograniczony
- Type of procurement
- Estimated value
29 932 386,81 PLN
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Further CPV
77210000-5 - Logging services
77211000-2 - Services incidental to logging
77211100-3 - Timber harvesting services
77211200-4 - Transport of logs within the forest
77211300-5 - Tree-clearing services
77211400-6 - Tree-cutting services
77211500-7 - Tree-maintenance services
77211600-8 - Tree seeding
77230000-1 - Services incidental to forestry
77231000-8 - Forestry management services
77231200-0 - Forest pest control services
77231600-4 - Afforestation services
77100000-1 - Agricultural services
77600000-6 - Hunting services
77110000-4 - Services incidental to agricultural production
- Tender split into parts
- Yes
PL - Rzeczpospolita Polska
- Brief description of tender or procurement
Przedmiotem zamówienia są usługi z zakresu gospodarki leśnej zgodnie z określeniem w art. 6 ust. 1 pkt. 1 ustawy z dnia 28 września 1991 r. o lasach (tekst jedn.: Dz. U. z 2024 r. poz. 530 – „Ustawa o lasach”) obejmujące prace z zakresu hodowli i ochrony lasu, ochrony przeciwpożarowej, pozyskania i zrywki drewna oraz gospodarki szkółkarskiej i nasiennictwa, do wykonania na terenie Nadleśnictwa Brodnica w roku 2025.
Szczegółowy Opis Przedmiotu Zamówienia znajduje się w dokumentach zamówienia (do pobrania).
- For evaluation the price is determined
including VAT
Termin składania ofert
13.11.2024 09:00:00
Planned opening of bids
13.11.2024 09:30:00
Name of document
Uploaded on
65452-2025-PL wynik ogloszenia.pdf
Works concession
236.81 KB
18.02.2025 09:45:39
Wybor najkorzystniejszej oferty pakiet19 art. 263.pdf
Works concession
206.25 KB
16.01.2025 07:53:56
Uniewaznienie Czesci 17 i 18.2025.pdf
Works concession
208.94 KB
23.12.2024 16:50:53
Wybor najkorzystniejszej oferty pakiety 1-16.2025.pdf
Works concession
297.69 KB
23.12.2024 16:50:53
Wybor najkorzystniejszej oferty pakiety harwesterowe 19-21.2025.pdf
Works concession
216.62 KB
23.12.2024 16:50:53
Informacja ze zlozonych ofert.pdf
Works concession
200.37 KB
13.11.2024 14:33:35
SWZ uslugi lesne 2025 modyfikacja.pdf
Works concession
865.72 KB
06.11.2024 07:18:42
Modyfikacja SWZ.pdf
Works concession
252.46 KB
05.11.2024 14:33:33
Informacja ze spotkania.pdf
Works concession
277.25 KB
05.11.2024 14:33:33
Informacja o spotkaniu.pdf
Works concession
218.06 KB
30.10.2024 10:02:51
Zal nr 2 Opis Przedmiotu
Works concession
59.74 MB
28.10.2024 17:54:11
Ogloszenie o zamowieniu.pdf
Works concession
288.69 KB
28.10.2024 17:50:39
Wstepne ogloszenie.pdf
Works concession
194.77 KB
28.10.2024 17:50:39
SWZ uslugi lesne 2025.pdf
Works concession
862.92 KB
28.10.2024 17:48:15
Zal nr 1 Formularz
Works concession
1.91 MB
28.10.2024 17:48:15
Zal. nr 3 Opis
Works concession
5.94 MB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 4_JEDZ.docx
Works concession
62.2 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal nr 5 oswiadczenie dot. art 5k rozporzadzenia.docx
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26.47 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 5A_osw. podm. trzec..docx
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19.24 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 6_zobowiazanie podmiotu trzeciego.docx
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37.55 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 7_oswiadczenie w sprawie grupy kapitalowej.docx
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36.59 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 8_osw. o aktualnosci informacji.docx
Works concession
37.53 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 9 Wykaz uslug.docx
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24.15 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal nr 10 Wykaz osob.docx
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24.85 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 11 Wykaz urzadzen.docx
Works concession
23.19 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal nr 12 Wzory
Works concession
404.78 KB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 13 Umowa najmu sprzetu na szkolke.pdf
Works concession
2.64 MB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Zal. nr 14 regulamin
Works concession
2.88 MB
28.10.2024 17:47:37
Pakiet 1/2025 Leśnictwo Bachotek
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 368 832,49 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 2/2025 Leśnictwo Karbowo
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 249 285,04 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 3/2025 Lesnictwo Ostrówki
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 173 681,56 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 4/2024- Leśnictwo Tęgowiec
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 701 117,87 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 5/2025 Leśnictwo Górale
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 551 687,56 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 6/2025 Leśnictwo Grabiny
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 368 923,32 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 7/2025 Leśnictwo Małki
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 131 563,60 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 8/2025 Leśnictwo Rytebłota
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 559 191,44 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 9/2025 Leśnictwo Szabda
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 986 355,88 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 10/2025 Leśnictwo Zarośle
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 671 728,15 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 11/2025 Leśnictwo Borek
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 493 420,36 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 12/2025 Leśnictwo Bryńsk
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 739 621,90 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 14 Leśnictwo Długi Most
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 403 734,28 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 15/2025 Leśnictwo Górzno
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
2 229 693,92 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 16/2025 Lesnictwo Nowy Świat
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
978 889,91 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 17/2025 gospodarka łąkowo- rolna na terenie Ośrodka Hodowli Zwierzyny Mszano
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
41 176,20 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 18/2025 gospodarka łowiecka na terenie Ośrodka Hodowli Zwierzyny Mszano
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
298 002,90 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 19/2025 pakiet specjalistyczny harwesterowy obręb Mścin obejmujący Leśnictwa Karbowo, Ostrówki Tegowiec
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 218 239,67 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 20/2025 pakiet specjalistyczny harwesterowy obręb Zbiczno obejmujacy Leśnictwa Grabiny, Małki, Rytebłota
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 199 577,14 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract
Pakiet 21/2025 pakiet specjalistyczny harwesterowy obręb Ruda obejmujący Leśnictwa: Bryńsk, Górzno, Nowy Świat
- Status
- Predicted value not including VAT
1 567 663,62 PLN
- Criterion for evaluation of bid
Lowest price
- Electronic auction
- Main CPV
77200000-2 - Forestry services
- Outcome of tender
- One-off Contract